Thursday, 17 March 2011

spring has sprung?

I am so dead.  Schoolwork is lagging.  But I got a hair cut and felt really great today.  Down to serious business after this post.  I mean it.

Dress, Mendocino ($110 on clearance). Leggings, U.O. ($20?).
Cardigan, Old Navy ($30?).
Amazingawesome shoes, Bass, $120.
Rushed self-portrait that does not do the new cut justice.
Courtesy Emma Rose @ The Cabinet Salon.

Can I tell you how much I love these shoes.  I tried them on this morning because I just wanted to be sure they were going back to the store (I picked them up last week, right after I said no more shopping, again).  I had been coveting oxfords forever but I couldn't get away with flats—they just didn't look right.  When I saw these I fell in love.  They are a perfect height for me (2 1/2") as I am tall to begin with (5' 8 1/2").  I also do a lot of walking so super high heels are just not practical.  So anyway, I tried these on this morning and I literally squealed with delight.  Sorry, wallet.  I really am.

BTW visitors, I see you visiting there.  Why not follow me?  I kind of feel like a big loser with no followers.  Honorable mention to my mother, who tried to follow me but hasn't quite yet succeeded.  My mom loves me, yay!


  1. Shoes are pretty cool!

  2. those shoes are pretty great. i'm with you on not wearing flats, although i prefer a higher heel! maybe it's cause i'm not 5'8 1/2" (jealous)!!

  3. You always want what you don't have, no? I wish I was a little shorter so I could actually wear wedges. I put them on now and I feel like a giant. :(

    Love these wedges so much.... but can never have...
